RetroSUP Console game list: 400 games

1 SuperMarioBros                  
2 Mario14                         
3 SuperMario3                     
4 DrMario                         
5 MarioBros                       
6 SnowBros                        
7 TurtleFighter                   
8 Contra                          
9 ContraForce
10 Jackal                          
11 Rush'nAttack                    
12 Lifeforce                       
13 10YardFight                     
14 TankA1990                       
15 AntarcticAdventure              
16 Arabian                         
17 BalloonFight                    
18 Baseball                        
19 BinaryLand                      
20 BirdWeek                        
21 BomberMan                       
22 BombSweeper                     
23 BrushRoller                     
24 BurgerTime                      
25 Chack'nPop                      
26 BlackWhiteChess                 
27 CircusCharlie                   
28 CluCluLand                      
29 Combata                         
30 Defender2                       
31 DevilWorld                      
32 DigDug                          
33 DonkeyKong                      
34 DonkeyKongJr                    
35 DonkeyKong3                     
36 DonkeyKongJrMath                
37 DoorDoor                        
38 Excitebike                      
39 Exerion                         
40 F1Race                          
41 FormationZ                      
42 FrontLine                       
43 Galaga                          
44 Galaxian                        
45 Golf                            
46 RaidonBungelingBay              
47 HyperOlympic                    
48 HyperSports                     
49 IceClimber                      
50 Joust                           
51 Karateka                        
52 LodeRunner                      
53 LunarBall                       
54 Macross                         
55 Jewelry                         
56 4Mahjong                        
57 Mahjong                         
58 Mappy                           
59 NutsMilk                        
60 Millipede                       
61 Wrestle                         
62 NightArrow                      
63 Nibbles                         
64 NinjaKun                        
65 RoadFighter                     
66 Othello                         
67 PacMan                          
68 Pinball                         
69 Pooyan                          
70 Popeye                          
71 SkyDestroyer                    
72 SpaceEt                         
73 StarForce                       
74 StarGate                        
75 Tennis                          
76 UrbanChampion                   
77 Warpman                         
78 YieArKungFu                     
79 ZippyRace                       
80 BoxWorld                        
81 1942
82 Arkanoid                        
83 AstroRoboSasa                   
84 BWings                          
85 Badminton                       
86 Baltron                         
87 BokosukaWars                    
88 ChubbyCherub                    
89 SpartanX                        
90 Slalom                          
91 SonSon                          
92 SpyVsSpy                        
93 Sqoon                           
94 SuperChinese                    
95 Tetris2                         
96 Soccer                          
97 Challenger                      
98 DoughBoy                        
99 Duck                            
100 ElevatorAction                  
101 ExedExes                        
102 FireDragon                      
103 Flappy                          
104 Galg                            
105 Gyrodine                        
106 IceHockey                       
107 LotLot                          
108 MachRider                       
109 Magmax                          
110 MsPacMan                        
111 OnyankoTown                     
112 PachiCom                        
113 PenguinKunWars                  
114 Route16Turbo                    
115 Seicross                        
116 ThePenguinSeal                  
117 Thexder                         
118 TowerofDruaga                   
119 Xevious                         
120 110mHurdles                     
121 Aether                          
122 AetherKavass                    
123 Aimless                         
124 AirUmbrella                     
125 Antiquarium                     
126 Aquarium                        
127 Archery                         
128 Arena                           
129 Assart                          
130 Bandits                         
131 BattleCity                      
132 BattleCity2                     
133 Billiard                        
134 Bitha                           
135 BlockPuzzle                     
136 Bomb                            
137 Bounce                          
138 Bugbear                         
139 Bug'sWar                        
140 Burbles                         
141 BurrowExplorer                  
142 Cannonade                       
143 CareBear                        
144 CityConnection                  
145 CloseQuarters                   
146 CoastGuard                      
147 CobraOfSky                      
148 Colcotha                        
149 Conqueror                       
150 ConteEnegy                      
151 Convection                      
152 Corridor                        
153 CryptCar                        
154 CuteFish                        
155 Dada                            
156 Defensive                       
157 Deflower                        
158 DepthBomb                       
159 DevildomDoom                    
160 DragonDen                       
161 DuneWar                         
162 Eidolon'sRevenge                
163 Enchanter                       
164 Falling                         
165 FieldCombat                     
166 Fighter                         
167 FireBase                        
168 FirstDefender                   
169 Fisher                          
170 FishWar                         
171 FiveDays                        
172 FranticMouse                    
173 Fruitdish                       
174 FutureTank                      
175 Gallagant                       
176 GardenWar                       
177 Gate                            
178 GlommyChess                     
179 GoalKeeper                      
180 GobletTower                     
181 Gomoku                          
182 GrotKid                         
183 Hallihoo                        
184 HappyAdventure                  
185 HexapodWar                      
186 HitMouse                        
187 Hoodle                          
188 HotSpeed                        
189 Ikki                            
190 IqChampion                      
191 JunglyGuy                       
192 Labyrinth                       
193 LevinAction                     
194 LodeRunner2                     
195 Lunarian                        
196 Lunation                        
197 MadXmas                         
198 ManInRed                        
199 Mars                            
200 MarsMan                         
201 Maze                            
202 PanzerAttack                    
203 Patternmaker                    
204 Penguin                         
205 Pobble                          
206 Poker                           
207 PolarBat                        
208 popeyeJ                         
209 Pyramid                         
210 RadishField                     
211 RescueKuck                      
212 Risker                          
213 RogeBrer                        
214 RuralGoblin                     
215 SeasonGarden                    
216 Shoot                           
217 ShrewMouse                      
218 SmallMario                      
219 SpaceWar                        
220 Spar                            
221 SurfaceFire                     
222 Tactful                         
223 TactfulMokey                    
224 TheArcher                       
225 TheFarmer                       
226 Tnt                             
227 TwinFish                        
228 UfoRace                         
229 UnderseaArena                   
230 Warrior                         
231 XRacing                         
232 Tetris2                         
233 SuperMario3                     
234 Contra                          
235 Jackal                          
236 Lifeforce                       
237 Rush'nAttack                    
238 Mario14
239 ContraForce
240 TurtleFighter                   
241 Arkanoid                        
242 AstroRoboSasa                   
243 Badminton                       
244 Baltron                         
245 BokosukaWars                    
246 BWings                          
247 Challenger                      
248 ChubbyCherub                    
249 DoughBoy                        
250 DrMario                         
251 Duck                            
252 ElevatorAction                  
253 ExedExes                        
254 FireDragon                      
255 Flappy                          
256 Galg                            
257 Gyrodine                        
258 IceHockey                       
259 LotLot                          
260 MachRider                       
261 Magmax                          
262 MsPacMan                        
263 OnyankoTown                     
264 PachiCom                        
265 PenguinKunWars                  
266 Route16Turbo                    
267 Seicross                        
268 1942
269 Slalom                          
270 Soccer                          
271 SonSon                          
272 SpartanX                        
273 SpyVsSpy                        
274 Sqoon                           
275 SuperChinese                    
276 SuperMarioBros                  
277 Tetris2                         
278 SnowBros                        
279 ThePenguinSeal                  
280 Thexder                         
281 TowerofDruaga                   
282 Xevious                         
283 10YardFight                     
284 110mHurdles                     
285 4Mahjong                        
286 Aether                          
287 AetherKavass                    
288 Aimless                         
289 AirUmbrella                     
290 AntarcticAdventure              
291 Antiquarium                     
292 Aquarium                        
293 Arabian                         
294 Archery                         
295 Arena                           
296 Assart                          
297 BalloonFight                    
298 Bandits                         
299 Baseball                        
300 BattleCity                      
301 BattleCity2                     
302 Billiard                        
303 BinaryLand                      
304 BirdWeek                        
305 Bitha                           
306 BlackWhiteChess                 
307 BlockPuzzle                     
308 Bomb                            
309 BomberMan                       
310 BombSweeper                     
311 Bounce                          
312 BoxWorld                        
313 BrushRoller                     
314 Bugbear                         
315 Bug'sWar                        
316 Burbles                         
317 BurgerTime                      
318 BurrowExplorer                  
319 Cannonade                       
320 CareBear                        
321 Chack'nPop                      
322 CircusCharlie                   
323 CityConnection                  
324 CloseQuarters                   
325 CluCluLand                      
326 CoastGuard                      
327 CobraOfSky                      
328 Colcotha                        
329 Combata                         
330 Conqueror                       
331 ConteEnegy                      
332 Convection                      
333 Corridor                        
334 CryptCar                        
335 CuteFish                        
336 Dada                            
337 Defender2                       
338 Defensive                       
339 Deflower                        
340 DepthBomb                       
341 DevildomDoom                    
342 DevilWorld                      
343 DigDug                          
344 DonkeyKong                      
345 DonkeyKongJr                    
346 DonkeyKong3                     
347 DonkeyKongJrMath                
348 DoorDoor                        
349 DragonDen                       
350 DuneWar                         
351 Eidolon'sRevenge                
352 Enchanter                       
353 Excitebike                      
354 Exerion                         
355 F1Race                          
356 Falling                         
357 FieldCombat                     
358 Fighter                         
359 FireBase                        
360 FirstDefender                   
361 Fisher                          
362 FishWar                         
363 FiveDays                        
364 FormationZ                      
365 FranticMouse                    
366 FrontLine                       
367 Fruitdish                       
368 FutureTank                      
369 Galaga                          
370 Galaxian                        
371 Gallagant                       
372 GardenWar                       
373 Gate                            
374 GlommyChess                     
375 GoalKeeper                      
376 GobletTower                     
377 Golf                            
378 Gomoku                          
379 GrotKid                         
380 Hallihoo                        
381 HappyAdventure                  
382 HexapodWar                      
383 HitMouse                        
384 Hoodle                          
385 HotSpeed                        
386 HyperOlympic                    
387 Joust                           
388 JunglyGuy                       
389 Karateka                        
390 Labyrinth                       
391 LevinAction                     
392 LodeRunner                      
393 LodeRunner2                     
394 LunarBall                       
395 Lunarian                        
396 HyperSports                     
397 IceClimber                      
398 Ikki                            
399 IqChampion                      
400 Jewelry                         


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